Andrew Stieler ‘24
A Letter from Our President
The Old Army Gentlemen’s Society, or Ol’ AGS, is a men’s social, service, and leadership organization at Texas A&M University. Since our founding in 1995, we have been committed to being “Aggies First” and have worked towards the continued improvement of our University, our fellow students, the community of Bryan/College Station, and ourselves.
Everything our organization does is guided by our five core values: Accountability, Honor, Humility, Integrity, and Passion. The Old Army Gentlemen’s Society’s membership currently consists of 36 of the “best of the best” - the top leaders at Texas A&M University. Ol’ AGS past and current members have included: Yell Leaders; Student Body Presidents; Commissioners, Directors and Senators in the Texas A&M Student Government Association; MSC Presidents; Maroon Coats; Corps of Cadets Staff and Outfit Commanders; Directors of Fish Camp, FLOs, CARPOOL, Muster, and Traditions Council; and several other gentlemen who serve Texas A&M through a variety of positions.
We bring leaders together from across campus to reach out in service to the surrounding community through our service projects and philanthropies in ways that are possible only through our unity. Through our main philanthropy - the annual Powder Puff tournament, and many other philanthropic opportunities, we are able to raise thousands of dollars throughout the year. Additionally, we host and participate in various social events that allow our members to interact and expand their network within the community.
Our members look forward to revitalize the Aggie Spirit that this organization was built on. This fall, we are excited to bring new leaders that share this same love and passion for our university into our organization.
The admissions schedule, organization news, pictures, and member contact information can be found on this website by clicking the above links.
Thank you for your interest in our organization and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself directly at
Andrew Stieler ‘24